10 April 2008

ppi 3

time for another post on possible post/paper ideas

  • standardized measurement. what kind of metaphysical properties do standardized measurements have? is a meter stick a meter long? what kind of symbol does 'yard' entail? what about yardsticks? in these matters i'll be consulting kripke's "wittgenstien on rules and private language", wittgenstein's "philosophical investigations" and peirce's collected papers. (tags: philosophy, metaphysics, language, wittgenstein, peirce).
  • objecthood and neo-meinongianism. is it plausible to posit non-existent objects in order to solve certain linguistic puzzles? that's to say, "unicorns have one horn" and "unicorns do not exist" are both true sentences? but even if we do this, it seems that we then have to turn to the problem of objecthood. is there a to clearly define some necessary and sufficient conditions for what it takes to be an object? and if so, what are they? or what might they look like? and what do do with this apparently adverse reaction from people with metaphysical distrust? (tags: philosophy, metaphysics, metaontology, language).
  • evolutionary ethics. i should write a post in the metaethical strain as i did once and begin to lay some groundwork for an evolutionary constructive ethics. (tags: philosophy, metaethics, ethics).
  • ethics case studies. i've been thinking about evaluating certain issues in terms of their ethical consequences. case studies might include plagiarism and/or intellectual copyright, sports and/or steroid use, etc. (tags: ethics, applied).
  • existence as property. this post, if distinct from the neo-meinongianism post, would be very similar. but this post or paper would be evaluating the strictly logical thesis of getting rid of existence as an quantifier in first order logic. existence would instead be just another property. how feasible is this, and how much logic can stand without it? what, if anything, would go in its place? this post is very related to non-existent objects "being". and could branch out to very similar topics in reference and even modality (what if referring to non-existence objects is really referring to objects in other dimensions a la lewis?) (tags: logic, philosophy, language, metaphysics, metalogic, metaontology)

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